Beard Growing Mistakes And How Can You Avoid Them

Avoid Beard Growing Mistakes
Do you think growing a beard is as simple as not shaving? Well, this isn’t exactly accurate. Your beard will indeed grow if you stop shaving, but have you ever wondered what sort of state will it be in? Numerous things can go awry when you are growing your beard. People usually make all sorts of mistakes if they’re not careful which makes it challenging to grow a great-looking beard.
In this article, we are briefly going to talk about some disastrous beard mistakes that could come in the way of managing a beard. With that, we will also provide you with solid advice on how you can avoid these beard mistakes and fix them.
Beard Gone Wild
One of the most commonly observed mistakes that most people make during the early stages of growing a beard is not paying enough attention to it and letting it grow wild. If you don’t trim it for a month it will start looking unbalanced and patchy since different parts of your beard may grow at different rates.
In such a case you must nurture your beard and trim it timely even though it means less facial hair. It is usually a better idea to trim the longer parts of the beard hair to reduce the appearance of patchy skin and will help the areas with slower growth to catch up.
Being Impatient
You might not be giving enough time for your beard to grow out. Just like your hair, growing a beard takes a lot of time. To be honest, it is entirely up to you whether or not a small patch in your beard is a make-it or break-it deal for you. Many people roam around with a few patches on their beard- also a few celebrities. But rest assured that this patch will fill in over time, or as your beard becomes fuller the patch will go unnoticeable. But it also requires care and a few products.
Washing It Every Day
If you are washing your beard regularly, it should not become a daily ritual. This is because when you take shower, you are stripping the natural oils that are produced by your skin especially when you are using hot water. The oil and sebum that usually nourishes and softens your beard are gone which leads to a dry beard that creates plenty of beard dandruff or beardruff.
The case worsens when you wash your beard every day using a shampoo that is meant to be used for the hair on your head. That will make sure that you take all of the oils completely off of your beard.
Normally, you should be washing your beard just a couple of times during a week. You should also use a shampoo that is specifically designed for use in a beard because it will be more gentle and will preserve some of the natural oils your beard has. As soon as you come out of the shower, you should apply a few drops of beard oil to your beard to seal in moisture. If you follow these steps it will help your beard stay full, vibrant, and soft.
Beard Neckline
As we discussed above, a beard grows at a different rate. But, in the end, it is all about confidence and how you rock your beard, patches or not. Most men do not keep their neckline area clear. There is a way to keep that area looking neat and sharp and when you ignore it, the beard starts looking scraggly and untidy.
The best way to solve this problem is to determine the trimming of this area is to keep two fingers above your Adam's apple. You need to locate the midpoint and then adjust the guard of your trimmer.
Now, simply start trimming and move down as you do so. Then, imagine a curved line that will stretch from the chin area to your ears. You must do it slowly so that you do not end up making the beard look shorter.
Using Random Hair Brushes
Brushing your beard in a particular way can make or break your look and the way you do it also matters here.
We could go on ranting about the benefits of brushing a beard but when you do it with a cheap plastic comb, it will just affect your beard but also fracture and break it.
Boar hair bristle brushes that are made with boar hair and nylon are your best bet. These bristles will be gentle on the hair and skin. They even help in oil distribution and also won't leave your beard feeling dry.
Using A Razor For Everything
So, while you are on your way to growing your beard, you might notice your hair sprouting out in a weird way and you have the urge to chop it off.
You must Get rid of extra hair is a good idea but using a good quality shaver or a razor here is something you shouldn't do. It is as simple as that.
Instead, you should get a good pair of scissors to snip away the extra hair because when you use a razor, you might end up chopping off more hair than you want to cut, which will ultimately turn into a nightmare for most of you.
Thinking Of The Beard As An Independent Asset
Usually, men put a lot of thought into their style but end up forgetting about their facial shape and hairstyle while growing a beard.
This can also end up spoiling your entire appearance only because the beard and your hairstyle are mismatched.
You can get advice on what will work for your face shape and the sort of hairstyle that will go with your beard is very important.
For example, if you are a working person, a corporate beard with a short hairstyle will be just perfect for you.
Beard Oil Is Not Only For The Beard
We bet that most men don't know this but before your beard, it is the skin that's benefitted with the beard oil.
When you are on the journey growing out your beard, all the oil on the face is drawn away. Hence, the lack of oil release starts the issue of beard dandruff.
While you are using beard oil, you must use it on your skin as well as your facial hair. In this way, the oil will penetrate deeper into your face which will give it that much-needed hydration.
Take Away
When you are growing a beard for the first time, you must consider keeping these common beard mistakes in mind. Otherwise, your beard would not be as healthy and good-looking as it could because your beard deserves the best shot it can get, so help it out by following our tips mentioned above.
If you want to purchase products related to beard growth like beard oil and more then you can visit our Mars by GHC website.