Can weak immune system cause hair loss?

Link between weak immune system and hair loss
Understanding Autoimmune Diseases
Types of alopecia areata
Autoimmune Disorders That Are Linked To Hair Loss
Boost Your Immunity And Hair’s Health
Natural Remedies
Frequently Asked Question
Are you one of those people who is very much tensed about your hair loss problems? Did you ever think that what is the cause of your hair problems?
Not all hair loss is due to genetic deficiency, well some hair fall occurs because of an autoimmune disease. This means that your signs of a strong immune system might be the cause of your hair loss issue. The cells of your immune system may have attacked your hair follicles which causes hair to fall. This attack can be temporary and your hair can regrow by boosting up your immune system or trying out some topical treatments.
Let us look at the hair loss problems that occur because of our immune system.
Understanding Autoimmune Diseases
1) The main role of our immune system is to protect the body from any infections and bacteria. But sometimes it loses its ability to recognize these harmful bacteria which will then start attacking cells in the body, thus causing an autoimmune disorder in our body.
2) Approximately, there are more than 80 different types of autoimmune diseases. Some of them are more common than others, but they all vary in the symptoms shown. Only a few of these autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss as a side effect.
Types of Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata (patchy)
Alopecia areata (patchy) is the form with one or more coin-sized round or oval patches on the scalp or other places on the body that grow hair.
Persistent patchy alopecia areata
Persistent patchy alopecia areata is characterized by patchy scalp hair loss that lasts over a long period of time without ever developing into extensive alopecia areata like totalis or Universalis.
Alopecia totalis
Alopecia totalis results in hair loss over the entire scalp.
Alopecia Universalis
Alopecia Universalis is more advanced than alopecia totalis which results in hair loss across the entire scalp and face, plus the rest of the body (including pubic hair).
Diffuse alopecia areata
Diffuse alopecia areata can be sudden and unexpected thinning of the hair all over your scalp.
Ophiasis alopecia
Ophiasis alopecia areata has a unique pattern of hair loss including the sides and lower back of the scalp in the shape of a band.
Autoimmune Disorders That Are Linked To Hair Loss
1) Alopecia Areata
A) Alopecia areata is one of the most commonly-known imbalanced immune system disorders that can lead to hair loss problems in us. It has affected 146 million people worldwide.
B) Your immune system sends signals to the white blood cells present in our body to fight healthy hair follicle cells. This abnormal process can then lead to the shrinking of hair follicles and can further lead to visible loss of hair on your face, scalp, and other parts of your body.
C) It is important to note that this type of disorder might lead to Alopecia Totalis which is a complete loss of hair on your scalp or Alopecia Universalis which causes loss of hair s on your entire body.
2) Psoriasis and Hair Loss
A) Psoriasis is a disease that is linked with scaly dry patches and red marks on your skin. This disease has affected many people worldwide. People suffering from psoriasis normally have skin cells that grow at an abnormally fast rate. This can also cause lesions to build up.
B) Psoriasis disease itself does not cause substantial hair loss. However, if you don’t treat it, it can greatly affect your scalp which can further cause temporary hair loss.
3) Lupus
A) Lupus is a severe disease that has affected almost 1.4 million people in the United States. It can affect the organs and tissues in your body, which results in a vast range of health issues.
B) The symptoms of Lupus are hair loss, abnormal blood clotting, anaemia, pain in joints, headache, and fatigue.
C) The problems of hair loss arise when the antibodies that are generated by your body penetrate the hair follicles, thus causing the hair shaft to be denied by your body and fall out. There is a possibility that your hair might still grow back to its original during the remission periods. However, there is a great possibility that your hair loss issue can become permanent.
4) Hashimoto’s Disease
A) Hashimoto’s Disease also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis occurs when the immune system cells fight the thyroid gland that secretes hormones which regulate a lot of our body’s activities.
B) Some of the common symptoms of this disease are muscle aches, unexplained weight gain, hoarse voice, puffy face, increase sensitivity to cold, and hair loss
C) People who have suffered from Hashimoto’s disease have reported thinning of their hair and large amounts of hair loss in the sink or shower. This disease can also result in changes in your hair texture because it can make your hair coarse, dry, and easily tangled.
Boost Your Immunity And Hair’s Health
We have mentioned a few basic tips to boost your immunity and thereby your hair’s health:
1. Diet:
You must eat a well-balanced and healthy diet. It is advised to Include more fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet to boost your immunity and health of hair.
2. Sleep:
Getting enough sleep is very much crucial for maintaining normal body functions. Adults should sleep for 7-8 hours at night is adequate to function properly.
3. Manage Stress:
Emotional and Physical stress is one of the main causes of hair problems. You must learn to manage stress by doing yoga and meditation. This will boost your immune system and will also improve your hair’s health.
4. Exercise:
Exercising regularly improves blood circulation to all parts of the body. This also helps to improve hair health and texture. Therefore, regular exercise not only keeps our body healthy and fresh but also improves immunity.
5. Drink Enough Water:
There are several drinks to boost immune system. But water is considered the god of all! It helps to detoxify your blood. Drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water is essential for maintaining overall health detoxifying your body and for maintaining a healthy immune system.
Natural Remedies
Several natural remedies are found to be effective in boosting your immune system and maintaining hair health. You can try the natural remedies mentioned below to boost your immune system:
Honey for nutrition:
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Tulsi (Holy Basil):
Coconut Oil for Hair:
Organic coconut oil is also pretty helpful in maintaining skin health. It keeps the skin moisturized and also increases the strength of our hair strands. It is said and often believed that they possess ant-microbial properties. You can apply coconut oil to your scalp and skin to rehydrate and nourish naturally.
If you are dealing with severe hair loss then it is advised that you consult a dermatologist and try to find the roots of the cause. You can also buy our products which are doctor recommended like Mino-xidil, Fin., Anti-Hairfall Shampoo and many more at Mars by GHC website.
Frequently Asked Question
Is my immune system attacking my hair follicles?
Yes. Your immune system can affect hair growth, positively or negatively. There is a correlation. Healthy and active immune cells ensure proper hair regeneration, while defective immune cells can impair growth and can trigger hair loss.
What illness causes hair loss?
There is a wide range of conditions that can cause hair loss, with some of the very common being pregnancy, thyroid disorders, and anaemia. Others include autoimmune diseases, PCOS, and skin conditions like psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.
Does Covid make your hair fall out?
Fever is a very common symptom of COVID-19. A few months after being on a high fever or recovering from an illness, many people see sudden noticeable hair loss. While most people think of this as hair loss, it's actually hair shedding. The medical term for this kind of hair shedding is telogen effluvium.
2. Can lupus cause hair loss?
Chang-Miller, M.D.