Does Wearing a Hat or Helmet Cause Hair Loss?

Can Hat or Helmet cause hair loss?
Does Wearing A Hat Make You Bald?
Hats And Traction (Friction) Alopecia by Hats
Does wearing Helmets cause hair loss. How much of this statement stands true?
Other Causes Of Hair Loss
Signs of balding
Tips To Prevent Hair Loss
Frequently Asked Question
For many years we have heard people saying that wearing a hat or helmet regularly can cause hair loss. The most common reason why people believe that hats and helmets cause hair loss is because of oxygen. They think that wearing headgear regularly prevents the scalp from “breathing” and that the hair follicles suffer as a result of this. However, the truth is that the hair follicle is not dependent on external oxygen for the growth of hair but it takes oxygen from the blood which is present inside our body.
Another factor that is contributing to this myth is that people who tend to hide their hair suffer from hair loss. So, when anybody is experiencing hair loss, a helmet and hat are not the reason behind them. You might face hair loss in many factors like diet, stress, genes, and many others.
Does Wearing A Hat Make You Bald?
No scientific evidence proves that wearing a hat causes male or female pattern baldness. Research in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has shown that it is not a single factor, but an amalgamation of different environmental factors, that contributes to hair loss.
Another study has shown that wearing headgear results in localized hair loss, though hair regrowth begins after the headgear use is discontinued. Wearing a tight hat or helmet decreases blood flow to the hair follicles and stresses them which results in hair loss. Even though the hair loss is temporary, it can also become permanent over time if no corrections are made.
If the possible link between wearing a hat or helmet and hair loss concerns you, and so does the prospect of quitting on hats or helmets thus risking your lives, you can wear a loose-fitting hat and not a tighter one. Sporting a tight hat or helmet can irritate or inflame your scalp, which causes follicles to lose strength, and results in hair loss. The section below discusses how traction (or friction) can cause hair loss.
Hats And Traction (Friction) Alopecia by Hats
Traction or fraction alopecia can develop from the regular use of tight hats, braids, tight bands, clips, helmets, or any other headgear that you wear. These can take a toll on your hair health as they constantly tug and rub on your scalp. If not fixed in the correct way, these situations can eventually lead to alopecia.
Does wearing Helmets cause hair loss? How much of this statement stands true?
According to a health expert, When we predominantly talk about helmets, we are targeting more males because the number of men wearing helmets is simply larger. And if you believe that helmets cause loss of hair then people are also having sedentary lifestyles or people driving only four-wheelers still some of these people are experiencing hair loss.
Helmets can be another factor that aggravates hair fall for men who are already facing hair loss issues, for example, if somebody is suffering from asthma or he or she is into excessive smoking. However, it is not a cause that would lead to hair loss. The main culprit behind hair loss in men is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The most common hair loss pattern observed is receding lines mainly from the sides and forehead area.
Other Causes Of Hair Loss
Emotional and physiological stress can also result in temporary hair loss, a condition medically which is termed telogen effluvium. This condition can make your hair follicles undernourished and weak, which leads to rapid hair loss. If you are going through continuous stress you should add yoga and exercise to your lifestyle to keep your mind and body calm.
Hormonal Imbalances:
With growing age, there is a change in the level of hormones, which can also cause due to medical illness. Our hair follicles respond to hormones called DHT which causes hair fall. Androgenic hormonal dysfunctions or the secretion of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) weakens our hair roots and hair follicles, resulting in abnormal hair loss in people.
Nutrient Deficiency:
Most women go through hair fall after childbirth which is also known as Postpartum telogen effluvium (PPTE) or post-pregnancy hair fall, which happens due to the psychological stress a body undergoes during giving birth to a child. During pregnancy, there is a change in hormones which promotes hair growth and after pregnancy when these hormones come back to normal hair fall occurs.
If you are the one who regularly wears hats, braids, or bands, the following might be of your help you reduce the chances of hair loss.
Signs of balding
- Gradual thinning on top of the head.
- Patchy bald spots.
- Sudden loosening of hair.
- Full-body hair loss.
- Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp.
Tips To Prevent Hair Loss
- You should not wear tight hats or caps for too long, as they may result in sweat accumulation and loosen the hair roots.
- Tight braids also can damage your hair. You must avoid twisting, stroking, and tugging hair for too long.
- You should protect your delicate strands from the sun and the UV rays by wearing a cotton scarf, a loose hat, or other forms of head protection from direct rays.
- Remember not to abuse your hair with excess chemical processes or heat treatments.
- You must consult a dermatologist if you are on medications or hormonal therapy.
- You are supposed to lower your stress levels by practising deep breathing techniques and meditation. It is advised to learn to think positively.
- Most importantly avoid smoking, as it can also lead to hair fall.
- And lastly, we recommend you keep your head sweat-free. Sweat accumulation can lead to a scalp infection on your head. It might also clog the scalp pores and lead to hair fall.
If you are facing severe hair fall then you should find the roots of the cause by consulting a dermatologist. You can also find products like Minoxidil, Fin, and Biotin which are dermatologists recommended at Mars by GHC website and many more products to help you in taking care of your hair.
Frequently Asked Question
1. Can prolonged usage of helmets lead to hair loss?
No, it hasn't been medically proven that prolonged usage of helmets will cause hair loss. However, wearing helmets or hats for a long time can have hygiene concerns due to sweat and most importantly it causes dandruff and constant traction to hair roots leading to traction alopecia.
2. What is better for thinning hair biotin or collagen?
If you're searching for the best treatment for thinning hair and maintaining hair health, we strongly recommend biotin over collagen. It's far better in terms of topical absorption and can be absorbed from several foods as part of a healthy, varied diet.
3. What oils are good for hair growth?
- Cold Pressed Argan Oil
- Rosemary oil
- Castor oil
- Onion Oil
- Peppermint oil
1. The contribution of endogenous and exogenous factors to male alopecia: a study of identical twins