How much Biotin is Good for Beard Growth?

Are Biotin Supplements Beneficial for Beard Growth?
What is Biotin and its Benefits?
Natural Ways to Obtain Biotin
How Does Biotin Promotes Beard Growth?
Potential Side Effects of Biotin
Take Away
Frequently Asked Questions
Tired of a patchy beard? Growing a beard might not be as easy as it seems, people dedicate their time and effort to growing the beard they desire. A beard demands a lot of attention, much as growing your hair does, therefore taking care of one is not simple.
Many people are not able to grow their desired beard which could be due to their genetics. Genes play a major in hair and beard growth. Even if you can grow a beard many times you do not take care of it which may cause beard hair to fall or you can also end up damaging hair follicles.
Today we will be talking about Biotin which has proven benefits for scalp hair and helps in speedy growth, let us see if it is as effective for beard growth too.
Many companies have started making products that contain a rich amount of Biotin for people who want to grow their beards and we are glad to say that the response to these products has been phenomenal. Now, let us know more about Biotin.
What is Biotin and its Benefits?
Biotin is also popularly known as the B7 Vitamin. It plays a major role in our body as it helps in the metabolism of protein, carbs and fats. Our body can not synthesize this Vitamin meaning that our body can not produce this Vitamin and we do need to consume Biotin each day in a rich quantity to keep our body’s metabolic activities in check.
Biotin also plays a major role in the production of Keratin which is a type of protein found in our hair, nails and skin. Biotin also helps in producing cell energy which is essential for us to function.
Now that we know Biotin is essential for our body and mainly for the Hair, skin and nails, it is also essential for beard growth.
Natural Ways to Obtain Biotin
Our body produces a very small amount of Biotin which is not enough for our everyday functioning, hence it is important to consume more items that are natural sources of Biotin. Biotin tab for hair has its own benefits for hair growth as one of the causes of hair loss is a deficiency of this vitamin.
Here are some of the products or beard growth foods that contain Biotin.
1. Eggs
Eggs contain a rich amount of protein and the egg yolk is known to be a rich source of Biotin. You can either boil eggs and consume them or make a dish out of them. Eggs are versatile and can be used in multiple ways. You can also apply eggs to your scalp and it will work as an excellent mask.
2. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are a good source of fibre, unsaturated fat, and protein. Not only that, but they also contain a rich amount of Biotin. You can consume Sunflower seeds, flax seeds, Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds to get the vital amount of Biotin in your body. You can also add them to your salads, and smoothies or eat them lightly roasted.
3. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a rich source of Vitamins, minerals, and fibre and they are best known to contain Biotin. You can roast them or boil them and add them to your everyday diet to get the most out of them.
4. Bananas
Bananas are a rich source of potassium and contain nearly all micronutrients required to maintain a healthy body. Bananas are also rich in Biotin and you must consume at least one banana each day to maintain a healthy amount of Biotin in your body.
5. Broccoli
A green vegetable is a must that needs to be added to your diet, broccoli is rich in calcium, fibre, and Vitamins and also contains a healthy amount of Biotin. There are multiple ways to consume broccoli and it should be added to your diet. You can cook it in any way you like or eat it raw with dips and hummus.
How Does Biotin Promotes Beard Growth?
Biotin helps in the production of Keratin which is a source of protein for the Hair, it works equally well on beard and scalp hair. While beard growth is relatively a new concept for people it has shown significant effects on the ones struggling to grow a beard.
The research on beard growth solutions is limited but Biotin supplements have shown a great difference in the thickness of the beard and have also improved beard growth.
Biotin supplements are safe to use for scalp and beard hair but we are still to gather more information on their sustainability. If you want slow but sustainable beard growth then you can rely on natural products that contain Biotin. Increasing an intake of them will directly increase the Biotin levels in your body.
However, if you are someone who needs quick results and can not wait too long for the natural products to work then you can check out our Biotin tab that are specially made for beard growth.
Biotin tab for Beard Growth
Biotin is essential for beard and scalp growth. These biotin tabs for hair are enriched with multivitamins and they help in beard growth. They reduce beard fall and make your beard stronger & healthier than before. The best part is, nowadays, biotin is also available in the form of gummies (known as biotin gummies).
Biotin tab contains:
- Biotin 5000 mcg.
- Vitamin E 20 mg.
- Vitamin A 10 I.U.
- Vitamin C 180 mcg.
- Zinc 1.25 mg.
Biotin is an essential component to growing your beard as it is vital for protein synthesis, our hair is 80% made out of protein so our body requires a healthy amount of Biotin to produce beard hair. You would have to regularly consume these Biotin tabs for at least 2-3 months to see a visible difference in your beard growth.
Potential Side Effects of Biotin
Biotin supplements might be harmful if used in excess. Biotin side effects might include difficulty sleeping, skin rashes, stomach disturbance, insulin release difficulties, and renal problems.
Biotin medication was found to interfere with laboratory testing and resemble Graves' illness, a disorder in which the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone, according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The safety of long-term or high-dose usage, like with any supplement, is unknown.
Take Away
Biotin is an essential component for our body, you can choose either of the two ways to consume them, you can include a rich amount of Biotin in your diet or you can take Biotin supplements which are specially curated for beard growth. Either way, we hope this article has been of help to you and has solved all your queries.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the side effects of biotin?
If you consume too much biotin supplementation, complications may result. Sleep issues, skin rashes, stomach discomfort, issues with insulin release, and renal issues are a few of the potential side effects of biotin.
2. Is 10000 biotin too much?
The normal dosage that is recommended by experts is 30 to 100 mcg per day. Some experts claim that a higher dosage of biotin can cause skin rashes, kidney issues, sleeping trouble, digestion problems, and insulin issues. However, there is no proof that higher biotin intake can be harmful.
3. Does biotin affect testo?
Although not directly connected, it is believed that biotin decreases testo levels, which also diminishes body hair growth while increasing scalp hair growth.
1. Satheesh Neela and Solomon W. Fanta, May 2019
Review on nutritional composition of orange fleshed sweet potato and its role in management of vitamin A deficiency
2. Do Biotin Supplements Encourage Beard Growth? - Healthline