Is it possible for people to avoid genetic hair loss?

How To Avoid Genetic Hair Loss
What is hair loss caused by genes?
What are the signs of hair loss that are caused by genes?
Stages of Hereditary Hair Loss
Symptoms of genetic hair loss
Prevention and treatment
Take Away
Frequently Asked Questions
As men get older, their hair tends to thin out and get less dense. But what if it comes out all the way? That can really hurt your self-esteem.
Hereditary or genetic-based hair loss is one of the most common reasons for Male Pattern Baldness; it can be seen as a natural condition that has been going on in your family for years and with each generation.
If genetics is combined with age and hormones, then it becomes even more severe in many cases. Hair loss is not gender induced; both men and women face hair loss which can begin as early as in their 20s; however, women usually face severe hair loss during their menopause.
This condition is commonly known as androgenetic alopecia; this type of hair loss begins with the thinning of hair and causes changes in the growth pattern. With time people have noticed that their hair does not grow back at certain parts of their scalp.
In this article, we'll take a complete look at heredity hair loss. We'll talk about baldness's symptoms, causes, and ways to treat it. Because you're here for that, right?
What is hair loss caused by genes?
Hereditary hair loss, also called Male Androgenetic Alopecia, is a common type of hair loss that affects 30–50% of men by age 50. In fact, MAA is the most common reason why men lose their hair.
Male pattern baldness can happen at different times and in different ways depending on your family history.
What are the signs of hair loss that are caused by genes?
Male pattern baldness usually starts with the hairline receding or getting thinner. Male pattern baldness happens in seven stages that can be predicted well in advance.
The Norwood scale is the most common way to measure hair loss. Even though there are other baldness scales, the Norwood scale is the one most men and doctors use to figure out how much hair has been lost.
Stages of Hereditary Hair Loss
Stages I and II: Hair loss starts slowly, with a slightly receding hairline and no major changes to the crown of the head. Stage I Starts with light hair loss around the temples and a slightly receding hairline that most people don't notice or don't care about. In stage II, the balding near the temples has moved closer to the head, making the "M"-shaped hairline that most people have.
Stage III: The hair thinning, in the temple area keeps getting worse until there is little or no hair there. At this point, it's getting harder to hide your hair loss.
Stage IV: At this point, you will start to see bald spots. Your crown hair will get thinner, and you may start to lose big chunks of hair in the front of your head.
Stage V: At this stage, the hairline starts to look like a horseshoe. At this point, your hair loss is getting worse and medicines aren't working as well to stop it.
Stage VI: At this point, your hairline is at the top of your head. What little hair you have left on the top of your head is thin and doesn't cover much of your scalp.
Stage VII: This is the classic horseshoe pattern, which leaves the top of the head completely bald. If you get to this point without doing anything, your chances of getting your hair back are low.
Symptoms of genetic hair loss
1. Starts with thinning of hair
Genetic-induced hair fall begins with thinning of hair, and you can often notice insane amounts of hair on your pillow, comb, or in your bathroom after a hair wash.
2. Begins at the Temples and Crown
In men, genetic-induced hair fall begins at the Temples and Crown region, which then proceeds in an M shape pattern. It can also be seen if you go bald at the vertex and can lead to total baldness with age.
Prevention and treatment
Hereditary hair loss is a component of our genetic code. So, while we wait for improvements in gene-editing technology to combat hair loss, we can start using these strategies to maintain our hair healthy and strong, slowing the balding process:
1. Increase your protein intake
Hair is made primarily of protein, therefore eating foods like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and nuts can help give your hair strength and texture.
2. Treat your hair gently
Avoid tight hairstyles like braids, buns, and ponytails. Such hairstyles tend to strain at the hair, pushing it away from the root and potentially damaging strands.
3. Seek hair fall treatment
If detected early, addressing genetic hair loss with medications might be a realistic option to consider. Before beginning therapies based on the fin. Tab (which inhibits the conversion of testo to dihydrotesto-sterone to combat hair loss) and mino-xidil, medical consultation should be sought (slows progressive balding in hereditary hair loss). One can also have biotin gummies to prevent hair loss.
Take Away
A genetically induced hair fall is easily noticeable, you might have seen the same thing happening to other male members of your family, but it can be prevented if you start early.
Every hair problem comes with a solution, and here are all the resorts you can rely on when dealing with genetic-induced hair fall.
You can also check out our amazing products to help you in taking care of your hair at Mars on the GHC website.
Frequently Asked Questions
At what age does genetic hair loss start?
By the age of 50, it affects half of the male population. It normally starts around the age of 30 and gets more prominent following menopause in women.
Which lack of vitamin causes hair fall?
Hair loss is only associated with a lack of riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12.
How do you stop genetic hair loss naturally?
Following a good hair care routine like washing your hair with a gentle shampoo, using having a healthy diet and using hair growth products that is suitable for the hair.